Category: Länderkunde - Osteuropa
1. Symposion Laographias tu Boreioelladiku choru. (Epeiros - Makedonia - Thrake). Praktika.
Thessaloniki 1975.
267 S. m. zahlr. Abb. u. Falttafeln.
Order number: 96054EB
Price: 30,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
2. Symposio Laographias tu Boreioelladiku choru: Praktika: (Epeiros -Makedonia - Thrake).
Thessaloniki 1976.
519, XXXVI S., zahrl. Faltbeilagen.
Order number: 68428CB
Volumes: 2 Bände.
Price: 38,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Ailianos, Konstantinos I.:: He Austro-Ungaria he prosartese tes Thessalias kai tes Epeiru 1878-1881.
Thessaloniki, Inst. for Balkan Studies 1988.
235 S. u. 2 Karten.
Order number: 95804EB
Price: 25,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Anapliotes, Giannes P.:: Ho Kapodistrias choris prosopeio. Mauromichalaioi: koinoi phoniades e tyrannoktonoi. Meri 1 kai 2.
Athen 1976.
604 S.
Order number: 95894EB
Volumes: 2 Teile in 1 Bd.
Price: 30,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Andreades, K.K.:: He Muslmanike meionotes tes Dytikes Thrakes.
Thessaloniki 1956.
120 S. m. 20 Tafeln.
Order number: 96162EB
Price: 12,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Andriotes, Nikolaos P.:: Kryptochristianika keimena.
Thessaloniki 1974.
246 S.
Order number: 96010EB
Price: 28,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Andriotis, Nikolaos P.:: Der föderative Staat von Skoplje und seine Sprache.
Athen, Pelasgos 1992.
85 S.
Order number: 96008EB
Price: 18,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Angelomates, Chrestos:: Hellenika romantika chronia. Anthropoi, Idees, Zoe.
Athen, Hestia 1970.
423 S.
Order number: 68536CB
Price: 25,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Angelopoulos, Ath. u. a.:: Les relations Gréco-Russes pendant la domination Turque et la guerre d'independance Greque.
Thessaloniki, Institute for Balkan Studies 1983.
Premier colloque ... 1981.
169 S.
Order number: 68059CB
Price: 20,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Angelopulos, Athanasios A.:: Boreios Makedonia. O ellenismos tes Stromnitses. Topologia, istoria, ekklesia, paideia, ethneke kai koinotike zoe.
Thessaloniki, IMXA 1980.
346 S. m. u. einige Tafeln.
Order number: 96704EB
Price: 20,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Angelopulos, Athanasios A.:: Hai xenai propagandai eis ten eparchian Polyanes kata ten periodon 1870-1912.
Thessaloniki 1973.
175 S. m. einigen Tafeln.
Order number: 96173EB
Price: 18,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Antoniadis, Costis (Ed.):: Palaio Faliro 1900-1960.
Palaio Faliro, Cultural and Sports Centre 2014.
Photos from the archive of Nikos Politis.
Rd. 160 S. m. 188 Abb.
Order number: 67819CB
Price: 30,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Anturakes, Georgios B.:: Hai monai Myriokephalon kai Rustikon Kretes meta ton parekklesion auton.
Athen 1977.
Symbole eis ten ereunan ton xristianikon mnemeion.
196 S. u. 60 Tafeln.
Order number: 50428CB
Price: 8,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Aphieroma eis ta 150 chronia apo tes Epanastaseos tu 1821.
Thessaloniki 1971.
240 S.
Order number: 95886EB
Price: 28,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Apostolides, Renos Er.:: Kritike tu metapolemu.
(Athen,) Ta Nea Hellenika (1970.)
191 S.
Order number: 96605EB
Price: 15,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Apostopulos, Demetres G.:: Thesmoi kai Ideologia ste neoellenike koinonia 15os - 19os ai. Protos apologismos enos ereunetiku programmatos.
Athen 2000.
98 S.
Order number: 96694EB
Price: 14,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Aranitses, Eugenios:: Se Poion anekei e Kerkyra.
Athen, Nephele 1999.
195 S.
Order number: 95953EB
Price: 26,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Aranyossi, Magda:: En regi, elsüllyedt vilagom.
Budapest, Jelenko Kiado 2018.
Rendszertelen öneletrajz.
502 S. mit Abb.
Order number: 65743CB
Price: 12,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Arbanites, Ioannes M. (Hrsg.):: Thesaurisma laographiko: ta mnemeia tu lgu apo to Astros Kynurias.
Athen 1985.
536 S.
Order number: 68265CB
Price: 25,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Arens, Detlev:: Prag.
Köln, DuMont 1998
Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte der "Goldenen Stadt".
368 S. m. Abb.
Order number: 60476EB
Price: 12,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Argyropulu, Roxane D.:: Ho Beniamin Lesbios kai he europaike skepse tu 18u aiona.
Athen 1983.
289 S.
Order number: 96127EB
Price: 18,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Ariadne. Tomos 1 1983.
Rethymno 1983.
Epistemoniko periodiko tes philosophikes scholes tu panepistemio Kretes.
358 S. u. einige Tafeln.
Order number: 96339EB
Price: 15,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Aristeidu, Aikaterine Ch. (Hrsg.):: Anekdota engrapha tes Kypriakes historias apo to archeio tes Ragutas (16os ai.).
Leukosia 1980.
215 S. u. 18 Tafeln.
Order number: 96452EB
Price: 35,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Asbeste, Maria A.:: Epangelmatikes ascholies ton Hellenon tes Kappadokias.
Athen, Epikairoteta 1980.
208 S.
Order number: 96194EB
Price: 28,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Asdracha, Catherine:: La region des Rhodopes aux XIIIe et XIVe siecles.
Athen, Vlg. d. "Byzantinisch-Neugriechischen Jahrbücher" 1976.
Etude de gegraphie historique.
LII, 294 S. u. 10 Tafeln u. 2 Karten.
Order number: 96192EB
Price: 90,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Asdrachas, Spyros I.:: Mechanismoi tes agrotikes oikonomias sten turkokratia (15os - 16os ai.).
Athen, Themelio 1978.
300 S.
Order number: 96708EB
Price: 18,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Asopios, Eirenaios K.:: Palai kai nea. Tomos 1.
Athen 1903.
672 S.
Order number: 68584CB
Price: 40,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Attalides, Michael:: Social Change and Urbanization in Cyprus.
Nikosia, Social Research Centre 1981.
A study of Nikosia.
211 S.
Order number: 68074CB
Price: 22,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Axones kai proipotheseis gia mia diepistemonike ereuna.
Athen 1995.
Praktika synedriu.
254 S.
Order number: 68502CB
Price: 18,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Babuskos, Konstantinos A:: He symbole tu Hellenismu tes Pelagonias eis ten historian tes neoteras Hellados. Dialexis.
Thessaloniki 1959.
38 S. m. 4 Tafeln u. 1 Tafel.
Order number: 96723EB
Price: 14,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bagenas, Thanos K.:: Historika Tsakonias kai Leonidiu.
Athen, Ekdidontai Dapanais tu Demu Leonidiu 1971.
312 S.
Order number: 68080CB
Price: 32,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bakalopulos, Apostolos E.:: Emmanuel Papas. "Archegos kai hyperaspistes tes Makedonias".
Thessaloniki, Inst. for Balkan Studies 1981.
He historia kai to archeio tes oikogeneias tu.
268 S.
Order number: 96005EB
Price: 25,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bakalopulos, Apostolos E.:: Historia tes Hellenikes Epanastaseos tu 1821.
Athen, Didaktikon Biblion 1971.
413 S.
Order number: 96693EB
Price: 12,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bakalopulos, Apostolos E.:: Istoria tes thesalonikes 316 p. Ch.-1983.
Thessaloniki 1983.
454 S
Order number: 68551CB
Price: 12,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bakalopulos, Apostolos E.:: Oi Dytikomakedones apodemoi epi Turkokratias (dialexis).
Thessaloniki 1958.
47 S. m. 1 Karte.
Order number: 96674EB
Price: 15,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bakalopulos, Apostolos E.:: Peges tes historias tu neu Hellenismu. (Tomos) 1: 1204-1669.
Thessaloniki 1965.
447 S.
Order number: 96684EB
Price: 28,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bakalopulos, Apostolos E.:: Ta kastra tu Platamona kai tes Orias tempon kai ho tekes tou chasan mpampa.
Thessaloniki 1972.
126 S.m. Abb.
Order number: 68581CB
Price: 15,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bakalopulos, Apostolos E. (Hrsg.):: Historia tu neu hellenismu.
Thessaloniki, 1964-74.
Order number: 43AB
Volumes: Bände 1-4 von 7.
Price: 60,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bakalopulos, Konstantinos A.:: Scheseis Hellenon kai Helbeton philellenon kata ten Hellenike Epanastase tu 1821.
Thessaloniki 1975.
Symbole sten historia tu helbetiku philellenismu.
260 S.
Order number: 68297CB
Price: 18,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bakalopulos, Konstantinos Ap.:: Ho boreios hellenismos kata ten promie phase tu makedoniku agona 1878 - 1894.
Thessaloniki, Inst. for Balkan Studies 1983.
497 S. u. 3 Karten.
Order number: 95884EB
Price: 40,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bakalopulos, Konstantinos Ap.:: Tria anekdota historika dokimia tu Philiku Georgiu Lassane.
Thessaloniki 1973.
203 S.. u. 15 Tafeln.
Order number: 96606EB
Price: 22,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bakalopulos. Konstantinos A.:: Ho boreios hellenismos kata ten proime phase tu makedoniku agona: 1878 - 1894....
Thessaloniki 1983.
497 S.
Order number: 68511CB
Price: 35,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Baletas, Giorgios M.:: Ioannes Grypares. ho protos metasolomikos. Bios - ergo - epoche.
Athen, Pege 1970.
600 S.
Order number: 68313CB
Price: 35,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Barbunes, Emanuel Ger:: Laike latreia kai threskeutike symperphora ton katoikon tes Samu.
Athen 1992.
Didaktorike diatribe.
348 S.
Order number: 68207CB
Price: 40,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Barbunes, Emmanuel G.:: Enoriakoi naoi kai paradosiake threskeutike symperiphora. He periptose tu nau tu Hagiu Nikolau Samu kai he laographike anagnoe henos thessaliku cheirographu.
Athen 1995.
380 S.
Order number: 96043EB
Price: 30,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Barika, Helene:: He exegerse ton kyrion.
Athen 1987.
He genese mias pheministikes syneideses sten Hellada 1833-1907.
308 S.
Order number: 95814EB
Price: 30,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Barnalides, Soterios L.:: Ho Archiepiskopos Achridos Zosimas (1686 - 1746). Kai he ekklesiastike kai politike drasis autu.
Thessaloniki 1974.
190 S. m. 27 Tafeln.
Order number: 96037EB
Price: 18,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Basdrabelles, I. K.:: Hoi Makedones kata ten Epanastasin tu 1821.
Thessaloniki 1967.
322 S. u. XXXII Tafeln.
Order number: 68250CB
Price: 38,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Basdrabelles, Ioannes K.:: Armatoloi kai klephtes eis ten Makedonian.
Thessaliniki 1970.
184 S.
Order number: 96115EB
Price: 26,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Basdrabelles, Ioannes K.:: Historia Archeia Makedonias.
Thessaloniki 1952-55.
576, 407, 68 S.
Order number: 96730EB
Volumes: 3 Bde.
Price: 60,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Basileiades, Demetrios B.:: Eisagoge sten Aigaio pelagitike laïke architektonike.
Athen, Hestia 1955.
82 S. m. Abb.
Order number: 95798EB
Price: 15,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Basileiades, Demetrios B.:: Hai epipedostegoi metabyzantinai basilikai ton Kykladon.
Athen 1962.
346 S.
Order number: 68573CB
Price: 30,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bauer, Markus (Hrsg.):: Europa erlesen: Iasi / Jassy.
Klagenfurt/Celovec, Wieser 2018.
265 S.
Order number: 67056CB
Price: 9,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Belehrungs- und Unterhaltungsblatt für den Landmann und kleinen Gewerbsmann Böhmens. 4. Jahrgang 1841.
Prag, Haase 1841.
384 S. m. 12 Abb.
Order number: 88585EB
Price: 20,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Belehrungs- und Unterhaltungsblatt für den Landmann und kleinen Gewerbsmann Böhmens. 3. Jahrgang 1840.
Prag, Haase 1840.
384 S. m. 12 Abb.
Order number: 88584EB
Price: 20,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bender, Agnieszka/Wrzesniak, Malgorzata (Red.):: O rzeczach pieknych.
Lublin, KUL 2015.
Rzemioslo artystyczne na przestrzeni wieków.
438 S. m. 64 Tafeln.
Order number: 87762EB
Price: 12,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Beremes, Thanos/Gulime, Giula (Hrsg.):: Elephterios Benizelos. Koinonia - oikonomia - politike sten epoche tu.
Athen, Gnose 1989.
569 S.
Order number: 68582CB
Price: 18,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bernach, Mahtias u.a. (Hrsg.):: Biographisches Lexikon zur Geschichte Südosteuropas.
München, Oldenbourg 1974-1981.
Order number: 68642CB
Volumes: 4 Bände.
Price: 80,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bernau, Friedrich:: Die Burg Bösig in Böhmen. Beschreibung und Geschichte.
Schloßbösig (um 1900).
45 S. u. eine Tafel.
Order number: 70219CB
Price: 12,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bertosa, Slaven:: Fragmenti buzetske proslosti u srednjem i novom vijeku.
Zagreb, Srednja Europa 2018.
464 S.
Order number: 95349EB
Price: 20,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bilic, Anica:: Slavonska knjizevna geografija - iz atara ratra i becara.
Zagreb, Vinkovci 2018.
321 S.
Order number: 68942CB
Price: 22,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bilic, Darka:: Svetiste Gospe Sinjske na nacrtima iz arhiva Franjevackog samostana u Sinju.
Split, Institut za povijest umjetnosti 2017.
164 S. m. Abb.
Order number: 91207EB
Price: 10,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Billetta, Rudolf (Hrsg.):: Europa erlesen. Athos.
Klagenfurt, Wieser 2000.
330 S.
Order number: 69061CB
Price: 10,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bjeladinovic-Jergic, Jasna:: Zbornik etnografskog muzeja u Beorgradu 1901 - 2001.
Belgrad, Ethnografski Muzej 2001.
553 S. m. Abb.
Order number: 50760CB
Price: 15,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Boreios Epeiros. Hagios Kosmas Aitolos. Praktika 1. Panelleniu Epistemoniku Synedriu 1987.
Athen 1988.
811 S. m. Abb. u. 1 Karte.
Order number: 68632CB
Price: 60,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bratsales, Antones:: Niochoritika.
Rodos Techne 1990.
483 S. m. Abb. u. 16 Tafeln.
Order number: 95909EB
Price: 18,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Bridge, F.R. (Ed.):: Austro-hungarian Documents RElating to the Macedonian Struggle, 1896 - 1912.
Thessaloniki 1976.
527 S.
Order number: 68255CB
Price: 18,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Brzoska, Gudrun/Varga-Nagy, Zsuzsanna Klára:: Das geheime Fotoalbum der Tante Ilona. Ilona néni titkos fotóalbuma.
Bad Buchau, Federsee 2016.
Budapest 1956 und 2016. Budapest 1956 és 2016.
88 S. m. Abb.
Order number: 88025EB
Price: 12,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Byron Raizis, Marios/Papas, Alexander:: American Poets & the Greek Revolution 1821-1828.
Thessaloniki, Inst. for Balkan Studies (1972).
A Study in Byronic Philhellenism.
106 S.
Order number: 96726EB
Price: 15,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Cale Feldman, Lada/Kacic Rogosic, Visnja (Bearb.):: Pozornici ususret.
Zagreb, Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleza 2017.
Zbornik radova u cast sdeamdestog rodendana Borisa Senkerova.
339 S.
Order number: 94011EB
Price: 14,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Capros, Iulia:: Students from Kosice at foreign Universities before and during the Reformation Period in Town.
Kiel, Solivagus 2013.
426 S.
Order number: 85952EB
Price: 14,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Cec, Dragica/Sustar, Branko (Red.):: Socialna in Kulturna Zgodovina Hrane.
Ljubljana, Institut za novejso zgodovino 2016.
406 S.
Order number: 91202EB
Price: 10,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Cec, Dragica/Sustar, Branko (Red.):: Socialna in Kulturna Zgodovina Hrane.
Ljubljana, Institut za novejso zgodovino 2016.
406 S.
Order number: 91203EB
Price: 15,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Chasiotes, Ioannes K.:: Thessalike bibliographia. Prote katagraphe (1636 - 1962).
Bolos, Philarchaios hetaireia Bolu 1971.
247 S.
Order number: 96304EB
Price: 16,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Chatzeioannu, Kyriakos:: Ta en diaspora. Tomos 2: tis dekaetias 1969-1979.
Leukosia 1979.
240 S.
Order number: 68506CB
Price: 15,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Chatzekyriakou, Georgios:: Skepseis kai entyposeis ek periodeias ana ten Makedonian 1905 - 1906.
Thessaloniki 1962.
Frontispiz, 206 S. u. 8 Tafeln.
Order number: 96026EB
Price: 22,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Chatzesokrates, Demetres:: Polytechneio '73. Anastochasmos mias pragmatikotetas.
Athen, Polis 2004.
445 S.
Order number: 96699EB
Price: 18,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Chatzestephanides, Theophanes D.:: Istoria tes neoellenikes ekpaideuses 1821-1986.
Athen, Papademas 1990.
Me okto eikones ektos keimenu.
416 S.
Order number: 95813EB
Price: 20,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Chatzidakis, Manolis:: Byzantinische Denkmäler in Attika und Böotien. Architektur - Mosaiken - Wandmalereien.
Athen, Athen Vlg. 1956.
Zeichnungen: A. Tassos. Kopien: Ph. Zachariou.
28 S. u. 21 Tafeln.
Order number: 95914EB
Price: 25,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Chidiroglu, Paulos (Hrsg.):: Othomanika engrapha tes en Kypro mones Kykku.
Leukosia 1973.
176 S. u. 34 Tafeln.
Order number: 96451EB
Price: 30,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Chiotes, Panagiotes:: Istorika apomnemoneumata tes nesu Zakynthu. Tomous 1 & 2.
Athen, Karabias 1978.
XXIII, 223, 638 S. u. 1 Faltblatt.
Order number: 96009EB
Volumes: 2 Bde.
Price: 25,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Chorianopulos, Manos:: Koryphaies morphes tes neoellenikes logotechnias.
Athen, Smyrniotakes 1991.
341 S.
Order number: 95795EB
Price: 25,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Christophoros, Sabba:: Makryne poreia.
Leukosia, Niovie 1985.
190 S.
Order number: 8AB
Price: 10,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Chrysochoos, Athanasios O:: E drasis tes bulgarikes propagandas. 1941 - 1944.
Thessaloniki 1950/52.
344, 308 S.
Order number: 68248CB
Volumes: 2 Bände.
Price: 28,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Clogg, Richard:: Syntome istoria tes neoteres Elladas.
Athen, Karlamitsa 1984.
Apo ten parakme kai ptose tu Byzantiu mechri te metapoliteuse tu 1974.
347 S.
Order number: 68554CB
Price: 15,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Dalleggio, Eugène (Hrsg.):: Les philhellènes et la guerre de l'indépendamce.
Athen, L'institut Francais d'Athènes 1949.
138 Lettres inédites de J. Orlando et A. Louriotis.
240 S. u. 4 Tafeln.
Order number: 96692EB
Price: 15,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Damjanovic, Dragan/Magas Bilandzic, Lovorka (Bearb.):: Imago, Imaginatio, Imaginabile.
Zagreb, ff press 2018.
Zbornik u cast Zvonka Makovica.
447 S. m. Abb.
Order number: 94176EB
Price: 20,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Damm, Alfred:: Weitersfeld/Schaffa.
Wien, Vlg. Bibliothek der Provinz (2011).
Zur Geschichte einer jüdischen Landgemeinde an der mährischen Grenze in der Neuzeit. Eine Spurensuche.
284 S.
Order number: 88153EB
Price: 18,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Daskalakes, Apostolos B.:: To politeuma tu Rega Belestinle. Proton Syntagna Hellenikes Demokratias kai eleutheras diabioseos ton balkanikon laon.
Athen, Bagionake 1976.
144 S.
Order number: 96697EB
Price: 20,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Demades, Konstantinos A.:: Diktatoria, polemos kai pezographia 1936-1944.
Athen, Gnose 1991.
Giorgos Theotokas, M. Karagatses, Strates Myribeles, Lilika Naku, Thanases Petsales-Diomedes, Panteles Prebelakes, Angelos Terzakes.
548 S.
Order number: 68403CB
Price: 18,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Demakopulos, Georgios D.:: He dioiketike organosis kata ten helleniken Epanastasin 1821 - 1827.
Athen 1966.
Symbole eis ten historian tes hellenikes dioikeseos.
29, 285 S. u. 2 Karten.
Order number: 95805EB
Price: 15,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Demara, K. Th.:: Periegeseis ston elleniko choro.
Athen 1968.
156 S.
Order number: 68273CB
Price: 28,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Demetrakopulos, Andronikos:: Orthodoxos Hellas. Etoi, peri ton Hellenon ton grapsanton kata Latinon kai peri ton syngrammaton auton.
Athen, Karabia 1968.
204 S.
Order number: 74AB
Price: 18,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Demetrakopulos, Elias P.:: Ta chersaia synora tes Hellados.
Thessaloniki, Inst. for Balkan Studies 1991.
188 S. m. 24 Skizzen.
Order number: 96148EB
Price: 18,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Demetrakos, Giorgios S.:: Apologismos kai apologia. "Apo tu phoberu bematos...".
Athen, Polytypo 1991.
285 S.
Order number: 68535CB
Price: 22,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Demopulu, Kike:: Archeio neoellenikes logotechnias. Analytikos katalogos.
Thessaloniki 2007.
Parartema tes epistemonikes epeteridas tes Philosophikes Scholes.
781 S.
Order number: 68199CB
Price: 30,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Demu, Giannes (Hrsg.): Ellada 1896-1906 Greece. Eikones apo stereoskopikes photographies. Images from stereoscopic photographs.
Athen, Apeiron Photos 2004.
Eisagoge Giannes Demou. Preface by John Demos.
117 S. m. zahlr. Abb.
Order number: 267AB
Price: 22,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Diamandouros, Nikiforos P. u.a. (Hrsg.):: Hellenism an dthe First Greek War of Liberation (1821-1830): Continuity and Change.
Thessaloniki, Inst. for Balkan Studies 1976.
237 S.
Order number: 68587CB
Price: 18,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Dikaios, Georgios Dem:: Historia tes oikogeneias ton Dikaion e Phlesaion. Pro kai kata tus chronus tes megales ethnegersias.
Athen 1992.
580 S.
Order number: 96183EB
Price: 20,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR
Dimakis, Jean:: La guerre de l'indépendance Grecque vue par la presse Francaise (Période de 1821 à 1824).
Thessaloniki, Inst. for Balkan Studies 1968.
Contribution à l'étude de l'opinion publique et du mouvement philhellénique en France.
322 S. m. 7 Tafeln.
Order number: 68606CB
Price: 20,00 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping costs Germany 2,00 EUR